Unsere Partnerorganisation in York ist die York Twinning Assocoation, die Träger der Yorker Städtepartnerschaften ist. Bereits seit dem Jahre 1951 bestehen partnerschaftliche Verbindungen zu Arles in der Provence. Damit gehört York zu den ersten Städten, die eine Städtepartnerschaft außerhalb ihres Landes begründeten.
Over 50 years ago, a group of persistent, dedicated folks, separated by thousands of miles, embraced the concept that by breaking down barriers of communications, a bond of friendship could be created among peoples of different cultures, of different regions, of different ancestry. What evolved was a people-to-people visitation exchange buoyed by the president of the U.S., local political leaders, educators, and everyday citizens. York has been twinned with Arles, France since 1954 and Leinfelden-Echterdingen since 1981, creating "many years of international friendship".